Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Odyssey and Brother Essay
Specifically, three parallels surface in the discussion of the similarities between Homeris classic epic and iO Brother Where Art Thou? The Cyclops encounter for instance, is transcendent between both works. Furthermore, each story contains a comparable perspective of the Lotus Eaters. Finally, the strongest parallel between the iOdysseyi and iO Brother, Where Art Thou? i is the mystical call of the Sirens and the powers of the witch goddess Circe. The Cyclops encounter is transcendent between both works. The Cyclops, in the iOdysseyi and iO Brother, Where Art Thou? i has obvious physical traits that connect the two pieces of work. The Cyclops in each story is a large man, who only has one eye. One website describe the Cyclopes race as, ia rough and uncivilized race of one-eyed giants. i(Spark notes p1) Odysseus describe the giant as, i A prodigious man who slept in his cave alone, and took his flocks to graze afieldâ€â€remote from all companions, knowing none but savage ways, a brute so huge. i(Wilkie p378) The encounter of the Cyclops shows a great similarity in both of these stories. Odysseus, the main character of the iOdysseyi and Ulysses, the main character of iO Brother, Where Art Thou? i are taken from of state of tranquility and savagely attacked. As described by Odysseus, iSo there all day, until the sun went down, we made our feast on meat galore, and wine. i(p 377) This quote describes Odysseus and his men relaxing and enjoying a feast. Quite similar in iO Brother Where Art Thou,i Ulysses was enjoying a picnic when the savage Cyclops attacked him. When Ulysses and Odysseus were about to enjoy a peaceful day they are overtaken by the Cyclops either imprisoned or robbed. Both Ulysses and Odysseus mentality of a warrior allows them to fight back and eventually defeat the Cyclops. In each story an attempt to blind the creature offers a distraction for each character to escape from the Cyclops. Secondly, each story contains a similar perspective of the Lotus Easters. When you eat the intoxicating fruit of the lotus, as described in the Odyssey, the thought of home, purpose of voyage, and memories of the past are no longer important. Odysseus and his men arrive at the land of the Lotus-Eaters and become addicted and drawn to the fruit. They are so leered to the fruit, that it becomes a mindless obsession. iO Brother, Where Art Thou? becomes parallel to the story of the Lotus-Eaters when Ulysses and his men are baptized. Websteris dictionary defines baptism as, ithe Christian sacrament of sin and spiritual rebirth as a Christian. i Both the iOdysseyi and iO Brother Where Art Thou? i describe a rebirth and new thinking. The things of the past are no longer important. Rebirth of the soul and becoming filled with the spirit are identical to the intoxication of the f ruit. Therefore, the producers of iO Brother, Where Art Thou? i are describing baptisms as a new beginning and new thought, then comparing it to the lotus eaters of the iOdyssey. i Finally, the strongest parallel between the iOdysseyi and iO Brother, Where Art Thou? i is the mystical call of the Sirens and the powers of the witch-goddess Circe. This parallel is the strongest element of comparison because it is very similar how each story describes the Sirens. Odysseus is told in the iOdyssey,i iSquare in your shipis path are the Sirens, crying beauty to bewitch men coasting by. i (p 421) Both Ulysses and Odysseus use wax to avoid the Sirens. Ulysses hair smelling of wax, (hair wax) and Odysseus instructing his men to put wax in their ears is enough to avoid the Sirens seductive song in each story. Avoiding the Sirens allows both Ulysses and Odysseus to continue on their purpose of journey, to get home. Another striking similarity is the witch goddess of Circe. In the iOdyssey,i Circe turns one of Odysseus men into a pig. Parallel to the Homeric epic, one of Ulysses men was supposedly turned into a frog. These two strong parallels sum up an obvious influence of Homeric work in iO Brother, Where Art Thou? i The movie iO Brother Where Art Thou? i is strikingly similar to Homeris iOdyssey,i in both plot and character description. Specifically, three parallels surface in the discussion of the similarities between the iOdysseyi and iO Brother, Where Art Thou? i The Cyclops encounter for instance, is transcendent between both works. Furthermore, each story contains a similar perspective of the Lotus Eaters. Finally, the strongest parallel between the iOdysseyi and iO Brother, Where Art Thou? i is the mystical call of the Sirens and the powers of the witch-goddess Circe. Thus, we find the modern film depiction of the trouble of a man during the depression is being shaped by the ancient struggles of Odysseus in Homeris iOdyssey. i
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Outsourcing: Is It Ethical Essay
Outsourcing has become a very hot topic in our country over the last few years. Many Americans view this topic as very controversial and unethical. Outsourcing is also known as the offshoring of American jobs. These jobs are being sent to foreign countries all over the world. Under George Bush’s administration the American economy lost 1.6 million jobs. Outsourcing to other countries is not limited to one business sector or profession; almost all professions are beginning to feel the effects of outsourcing. Many politicians, economists and business people are having very heated debates in regards to outsourcing. There are some who feel that outsourcing is good for the American economy. There are others who strongly disagree and argue that outsourcing is an action taken by greedy companies that disrupt the economic futures of many people and these actions are purely unethical. Outsourcing experienced in America is highly debatable because we have a moral responsibility to adhere to values in society, and to promote human development. Advancing capitalism, by cutting costs and increasing profits, comes at a cost to society when values and moral standards are neglected. Outsourcing in itself is not illegal or unethical, but the repercussions of outsourcing experienced in America are considered to be unethical for the following reasons: American citizens, educated in America for the purpose of employment in America, are displaced from jobs by foreign workers; outsourcing lacks regulation to protect personal and sensitive information; and the American government offers no effective solutions to address these repercussions by re-training and re-employing displaced workers, and by offering incentives for businesses not to outsource. Not only are Americans affected by outsourcing in career and future earnings, but their sense of security is affected too. Businesses that outsource American client information, to be stored and processed in a foreign country, often do so without disclosure to their clients. The foreign country adheres to a different set of regulations concerning data or information protection, and this puts American citizens at risk to identity theft or fraud. The actual long-term damage of job outsourcing on future innovation and individual earning power remains to be determined. Income levels are frozen and cannot compete with inflation. Workers lose leverage to negotiate fair wage increases or promotion. Foreign employment policies, such as minimum wage, and working conditions differ. Businesses that are outsourcing can set a minimum wage in developing countries that would never be accepted as a minimum wage in America. When most of us think of outsourcing we immediately think of manufacturing jobs. The loss of jobs in the manufacturing sector has been publicized through the media, which has called upon the ethical issues involved. Ethical concerns for outsourcing manufacturing jobs range from human rights violations to standard of living issues. Even though manufacturing may be the highest sector affected by outsourcing, there are many more professions beginning to feel the effects such as engineering and design, High Tech Jobs and the Accounting Industry. Engineering and Design Some may believe that the jobs lost to foreign countries are those that are low paying and those that many would not want anyway. However, this is far from the truth. Highly skilled workers in the engineering and design fields are starting to feel the effects of outsourcing. The decision to outsource engineering services is driven by money and the need to cut costs. For example, â€Å"an office in India provides design and engineering capabilities such as finite element analysis, 2D drafting and 3D modeling, design sheet metal parts and complex molds, kinematics simulation along with other skills.†Engineering firms are beginning to see the benefits to outsourcing to foreign companies to do design work. Tom Epply, president of Continental Design and Engineering stated, â€Å"my view is that I’m trying to save a business for my customer. It’s either this or he can have his head stuck in the sand and possibly lose the business. I’m trying to look at the bigger picture. The engineers in India can do the routine work, while the engineers her can do the research.†Many engineering consultants feel the same way as Tom Epply, outsourcing is inevitable and we need it to survive. But does this make it ethical? Outsourcing engineering services can save companies money, however, there are many that disagree. The NSPE (National Society for Professional Engineers) has issued the following statement: â€Å"the outsourcing of engineering should be done only when the talent cannot be found in the US. If outsourcing of engineering work is done, it should be done using the same rules, regulations, and laws that employers and employees are subject to in the US.†If a company outsources because of corporate greed and selfishness of top executives then this is very unethical but if outsourcing is done out of competitive necessity and the needs of the employees, it should be considered and viewed as ethical. There are some who believe that there is a shortage of American engineers and this might contribute to the haste in outsourcing engineering work. However, there are plenty of people here in the US who can do the work. There are few engineering firms around the country that are struggling with the issues of outsourcing work or keeping their work inside the US. These companies will be forced to weigh the pros and cons and decide what is ethical for their firm. High Tech Jobs The need for technology and IT (information technology) firms has grown rapidly and will continue to grow in the future. These firms have been hit hard with outsourcing to foreign countries. There was a time when someone with a degree in computer programming did not have to worry about having a job. Most everyone thought that computer programmers were in demand and would always have a job. In 2000, the unemployment rate for computer programmers was 2.0%. By 2004, this number rose to 9.5%. One company that US jobs are being sent to is India Web Developers. This company’s website has an entire section devoted to convincing companies of why they should outsource their web development needs to India. In the past America was seen as a global leader in regards to technology. Now the question is: Is the US losing their position as the technology leader by outsourcing these jobs? In order for the US to keep their high status, there will need to be more investment in education and teaching of math and science. Without education and a capable workforce, we will lose high-tech jobs and our place as innovators globally. The Accounting Industry The outsourcing of accounting functions, such as tax returns, book keeping and auditing, have become a multi-million dollar industry around the world. Reports of the scope and size of the outsourcing market vary greatly, but the largest outsourcing companies claim that thousands of returns were processed during the 2003 tax season. Estimates indicate that totals now may be well into the hundreds of thousands. Accounting firms are feeling more and more pressure to outsource some of their work and lower their costs. On the website for SurePrep, which is an offshore provider for tax return services, they provide the following pitch to CPA’s and accounting firms: What if you could prepare a thousand more tax returns without adding even one more staff member? And what if you could prepare those returns for up to 50 percent less than what it costs you right now? You can with SurePrep. And with virtually unlimited ability to prepare and process returns, you can increase volume, multiply profits, and grow your practice. This proposal is definitely hard for any firm to pass on. What company would pass up increasing their volume and profits without adding staff? There are many additional benefits that an outsourcing firm may provide for accounting firms including : 1. Qualified part time help 2. Huge cost advantage to outsourcing 3. Faster turn- around time and increased productivity with returns coming back in less than 48 hours. 4. CPA firm freed up due to reduced tax preparation workloads. Leaving time for staff to find ways to offer clients new services. 5. Tax outsourcing can serve as a catalyst for business transformation, enabling a firm to outsource other accounting functions such as bookkeeping. Due to these benefits, many firms are beginning to outsource overseas. Although these benefits may seem great, there are still some risks and ethical concerns related to outsourcing. According to the AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants), the chief concern is the Code of Professional Conduct that CPA’s are required to follow. According to Richard Miller and Alan Anderson, â€Å"AICPA members have responsibilities related to the practice of using third parties to provide services in engagements for clients. Primary among them are security and confidentiality of information, due professional care and compliance with provisions of the Code of Professional Conduct. In addition, members must monitor security procedures that third-party providers have put into place to ensure they remain effective.†It will be difficult for accountants to ensure that financial information of their clients remain confidential and secure. Also, firms will find it hard to ensure that the outsourcing companies are qualified to complete the job. According to the AICPA, firms need to â€Å"exercise due care†to make sure their clients information are handled correctly and securely. They also state that â€Å"there is no specific ethical requirement that the member disclose to the client that they are using the services of an outside provider.†Conclusion Outsourcing is a legal business activity affecting America. And it is an inevitable response to globalization and international trade. The outsourcing of American jobs will continue to be a great subject to debate here in the United States. Our politicians will continue to debate the topic and decide if there should be laws set to help or hinder companies from outsourcing jobs. There are many officials that believe that outsourcing will help our country and economy and that nothing bad could come from outsourcing. â€Å"It is a general rule in economics that in order for an economy to grow, old jobs must be destroyed so that new jobs can be created.†There are also those who believe we should at all cost protect our current jobs. High unemployment in America has renewed complaints that outsourcing to countries such as India hurts American workers. It seems that outsourcing American jobs is not going away and will only increase. Knowing this there are a few questions we should all ask ourselves, Is outsourcing an ethical practice, Is outsourcing for the sole purpose of reducing cost ethical and What responsibilities do US companies have to the employees they have laid off due to outsourcing? George Bush once said, â€Å"What do you say to someone in this country who has lost his job to someone overseas who’s being paid a fraction of what that job paid here in the United States?†Good question! Works Cited (n.d.). Retrieved from SurePrep: Http:// Anderson, A. W. (n.d.). Legal and Ethical Considerations. Retrieved 8 2011, August , from American Institute of Certified Public Accoutants: ttp:// Boykin, D. (November, 12 2006). Offshore Outsourcing Stirs National Debate. Retrieved 5 2011, August , from Bringham, N. (November, 12 2006). Outsourcing High-Tech Jobs:Why benign neglect isn’t working. Retrieved August 5, 2011, from Computer professional for Social Responsibility: Harrison, K. (n.d.). Machine Design. Retrieved 5 2011, August, from Machine Design: McGhee, B. W. (n.d.). Ethical Issues in Outsourcing Accounting and Tax Services. Retrieved August 8, 2011, from Social Science Research Network: Mintz, S. (n.d.). The Ethical Dilemmas of Outsourcing. Retrieved 8 2011, August, from New York State Society of CPA’s: Torrance, F. (n.d.). Center for Management Communication. Retrieved 8 2011, August , from The Ethics of In-house vs. Outsourcing:
Monday, July 29, 2019
A Students Fast Trip to Oblivion
A Students Fast Trip to Oblivion Essay I am so full of regret. In fact, if there is one way to describe how I feel at this moment, its living in hell. I have had sleepless nights for several days, and yet I still havent finished my work for our TV production. From rehearsals, to preparations and editing canned materials, it seems like an endless chain of suffering for a CMS student like me. In our previous production, I failed. And I cried. A lot. Right now, there is only one thing on my mind: hard work doesnt always if ever pay off. If I ever failed at such a magnitude again, Id be devastated. I dont even know if Id survive. Thats how fragile I am. Push me too far and watch me shatter like a brittle sheet of glass. I ask myself if its possible that I chose the wrong degree program? Do I really belong in this CMS group? I dont dont feel as if I do. I dont feel a connection to the teachers, the other students, the lessons or the practicum. I am frustrated and confused; frustrated with myself and confused over why Ive made the decisions I have over the past two or three years. Ive asked God to lead me and lay out an obvious path for me to walk. Show me a sign, an arrow, a lighted stairway anything. So, I lay on my bed, exhausted and worn. I closed my eyes but couldnt sleep. I picked up a romance novel and began to read; my heavy eyelids fighting to close like stubborn window shades. After reading for a while and struggling to stay awake, I found myself laughing at the humor in the novel. The heroine of the story was a romance novelist, and of course, as in every penny-store romance novel, she faced some extreme challenges in her life. There are times when some people critique her work and told her that those are scraps, while others are telling her that she is a good author. But despite all that, she never gave up on her career, because according to her, when you are trying to achieve something, you must do everything. That was 10 years ago. I remembered those times when I feel frustrated and annoyed of what I am doing. It only tells me that this world is truly unfair, and there is no space for justice because for every production that we have, I always put my 101 per cent to it. However, my efforts are useless for it is not always visible in my output. Well, thank God I have shifted from BA CMS to Political Science. Now, I dont have to work for suicidal TV productions. I only have to memorize the Philippine Constitution. I have fought for justice in my country. I have defended those who are accused of crimes, cleared their names and proved that they are innocent. However, the only downside of my career is that, I always eat death threats for breakfast. Sometimes, I am afraid of my familys and my owns safety. However, for years of being a lawyer, I always feel like an empty person. I always feel that there is something lacking in me. I just couldnt figure it out. It seems like I am unhappy of what I am doing right now. I relaxed my mind and body for a while. Then, at the corner of my table, I saw a romance novel. The same novel that I have read 10 years ago. Ten years ago. What could have happened to me when I didnt shift to other course and followed the motto of the lead female character in the story? Being into a broadcast industry is my passion but because I couldnt take the pressure of the work of a CMS student, I gave up. So right now, I feel regretful.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Nathaniel Hawthorne Young Goodman Brown and The Minister's Black Veil Essay
Nathaniel Hawthorne Young Goodman Brown and The Minister's Black Veil - Essay Example Symbolism is the most important in the story because it is the one through which the author is able to impress the essence of his story upon the reader. Nathaniel Hawthorne used several symbols in Young Goodman Brown and The Minister’s Black Veil to describe acts, subjects and persons in the two plays and the most prominent symbols used shall be discussed in this paper. In Young Goodman Brown, the devil’s staff that was surrounded by a sculpted serpent was symbolic of the serpent in the book of Genesis. The serpent was used to symbolize an evil demon. The devil told Goodman Brown that the staff would help him to travel faster and this is quite symbolic to the serpent in the bible that told Eve that eating the forbidden fruit would make her wiser. This further corroborates the argument that the devil’s staff is symbolic to the serpent in the book of Genesis. However, Goodman Brown followed the instruction of the devil and was punished for being a weakling and losi ng his innocence and this is also synonymous to the punishment that was meted on Adam and Eve for following the counsel of the serpent. It should also be noted that just like Eve’s curiosity made her eat the forbidden fruit, it was Goodman Brown’s curiosity that influenced his decision to go into the forest. Another symbol that was used in Young Goodman Brown is the pink ribbon that was used by Faith. Faith’s pink ribbon is symbolic of her purity and this can be seen if one considers the fact the color, ‘pink’ embodies purity and gaiety.
Art and Human Values Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Art and Human Values - Essay Example This is portrayed in the different ways in which different cultures manage to mingle using art and how they manage to communicate or bring out messages and their feelings, as well as, beliefs using art (Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh). According to the (Sayre, 3), different cultures understand and use the value of landscape differently and thus the differences in the way through which various cultures make use of landscape in the art can be used to bring out the differences between these cultures. If four different approaches to landscape are considered the differences between the American, Australian, Chinese and African cultures can be seen in the kind of art that these different cultures used to produce. These works of art not only present the differences in the times that they were produced but they also show the differences in lifestyles, and use of the available space in making the works of art. The Slovene Ethnographic Museum shows an example of the way different cultures use different works of art. It is endowed with various collections of Slovene art in a single museum where people can go and find out more about the Slovene culture, and the way they used to live back in the ancient days. This doe not only apply to the Slovene, but many other Museums in the world are specialized in presenting or show casing the art of different cultures. These museums of cultural identities were not established for any particular reason, but they bring out the true identity of different people and show the differences in different people, in the world. Some of the characteristics and traits of people that can be discovered from art includes their wisdom, knowledge, skills, creativity, values and their heritage (ASEMUS). From the regions of British Columbia, it is established that the Kwakiutl, a Native American Ethnic group, used to paint their masks for various occasions in their communities. They were, however, not the only
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Electrical Principles Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Electrical Principles - Assignment Example In this way, each series circuit will have a series protection resistor. We will calculate the amount of current in each parallel circuit by adding the individual currents taken by the each series circuit. Lest suppose we have 2 series circuits in parallel connection then the current will be +. Use a combination of truth tables and Karnaugh maps to design a logic circuit to control the compressor Credit will be given for creating an efficient circuit using the smallest possible number of logic gates. There is no need for the microprocessor in this process, as the microprocessor will have more losses as compared to that of the logic gate ICs. Moreover, if microprocessor is used for the process it will require excessive cooling. Microprocessors are fast and rapid in processing various type of information. It is only the fact and advantage of the microprocessor in this application. Calculate the required rotational speed in Hz for the generator to produce a voltage whose average magnitude is 12V. You may assume that the flux witnessed by the coil drops to zero momentarily each time it leaves the field. Calculate the maximum amount of energy which can be harvested when a vehicle slows from 40km/h to a standstill. Assume the vehicle mass is given by 1XX0 kg where XX are the last two numbers of your student number. A bank of 100 supercapacitors is to be used to store the energy. Each supercapacitor has a capacitance of 1.5F. Assuming 80 percent of the available energy is captured, and assuming that the capacitors have an initial voltage of 12V, determine the voltage to which they must be charged to store the captured energy. You should specify how the capacitors are connected and justify your
Friday, July 26, 2019
The World Marketplace Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The World Marketplace - Assignment Example Code of conducts the policies, procedures, etc to run the business effectively. The need of avoiding the infringing by the company needs great precautions. For example, during the invention of any product, the authorities of company get information about the already invention of same patent product, then there is need of rules and laws help to proceed the process from the law department (Martire, 2014). In 1776, many economists favoured the concept of free trade amongst the nations to improve the economic welfare. There are many benefits of free trade for those the countries like it rather than trade restrictions, such as; no tariffs, quota system, no trade barriers, promotion of domestic industries, subsidies from the governments, etc (Irwin, 2014).European Union is an example to describe the encouraging aspects of free trade, such as; promotion of competition and innovation, generation of economic growth, disseminates of democratic values, fostering of economic freedom, prosperities and opportunities for every citizen, etc (Froning, 2000) . For the development of international business development, there are different types of barriers that influence the revenues of a firm. There are two types of barriers for the organisations to overcome, internal barriers( controlled by the companies, such as financial matters, production and distributions matters, etc.) and the external barriers (uncontrolled by the organisations, such as political environment, legal issues, distributor matters, socioeconomic issues, socio cultural issues, technological needs, etc. There are some suggestions to overcome the business barriers to get more revenues, such as; Collaborations with the large and well-established firms, taking the advantages from the government programs for the exporters, taking advantages of useful rules and regulations in specific countries, etc (BV,
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Religious diversity in Saudi Arabia and US Speech or Presentation
Religious diversity in Saudi Arabia and US - Speech or Presentation Example Saudi Arabia offers lesser freedom of religion to the residents as compared to the USA. The practice in Saudi Arabia is that all shops are closed during the times of prayers, so as to discourage the people from engaging themselves in other businesses while the call for prayer is made through Azan in the mosques. While scheduling business-related matters in Saudi Arabia, non-Muslims have to play special attention towards this matter because their Muslim partners would not be available at these particular times at least for the duration of Salat in the mosques. On the other hand, in the USA, all shops remain open irrespective of the time of prayers in any religion, be it Islam or Christianity or any other religion. Government may impose restrictions but they are for other kinds of reasons like saving power, and are not grounded in any religion. Another factor that elaborates lesser freedom of religion in Saudi Arabia than the USA is the fact that there are no churches in Saudi Arabia w hereas in the USA, there are churches, mosques, synagogues, and Temples to entertain the religious needs of all of the communities that make part of the American society including the Christians, Muslims, Jews, and Hindus etc. Presently, Saudi Arabia does not have any official churches with a Christian denomination. Lack of official churches makes it very difficult for the Christians to conduct religious meetings and acts. The Christian community living in Saudi Arabia conducts private meetings for the religious affairs. The usual practice for the foreign Christians living in Saudi Arabia is that church meetings are arranged in one of the embassies. Christians can attend those meetings after registration and proving their foreign nationality. Sometimes, church meetings are also conducted at private assemblies arranged in the gyms of the schools. Many Christians conduct religious services at one another’s residences. Although Muslims make a sizeable portion of the American soc iety, yet the Americans have many suspicions, doubts, and confusions about the religion Islam. These confusions, in part, are grounded in the fact that the way of life taught by Islam to its followers is very much different from the traditional American lifestyle. The non-Muslim Americans find a lot of restrictions in Islam upon things that make part of their everyday life of many of them. Such things include but are not limited to consuming alcohol, eating pork, socializing with the opposite gender without significant physical boundaries and physical interaction with them, the girlfriend-boyfriend culture, same sex marriages, and cohabitation. When a non-Muslim American observes that everybody but practicing Muslims consumes alcohol freely in parties, visits night-clubs, and has a girlfriend or a boyfriend, he/she thinks of the practicing Muslims as people out of this world. Some may think good of them while others may have negative perceptions about the Muslims, but one thing that is a common observation among a vast majority of the non-Muslim American community is that Muslims in general and the practicing Muslims in particular have a very different lifestyle from theirs, and the source of this difference is Islam. Apart from this observation, another factor
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
How an Individual goes About Becoming a Franchisee for Subway Assignment
How an Individual goes About Becoming a Franchisee for Subway - Assignment Example This paper outlines that for any individual who is interested in venturing into this business, there are steps to follow, and this essay is a discussion of how an individual goes about becoming a franchisee with subway sandwich chain. To be a franchisee with subway sandwich chain, there are five key steps to follow. These steps include: researching the franchise market, making an online application, investigating about the subway brand, reviewing financial requirements, and joining the subway business. An entrepreneur will be required to research on the market of the recommended location by considering any potential competitor. For instance, the franchisee to be has to evaluate the existence of other fast food restaurants or chains in the area. The entrepreneur should ensure that there is no subway branch or chain in his preferred location of operation. After ensuring all this is favorable, he or she should apply for franchising through online by filling the application form. The for m should only be filled after reading through the binding contract and agreeing to the terms and conditions to avoid future case of disagreements. Interested franchisees are also advised to engage solicitors in their financial discussions. From this paper it is clear that Entrepreneurs must have starting capital, which ranges from 101,000 US dollars to 285,000 US dollars. This is the recommended capital for US dwellers and setting . This capital caters for franchising fee and expenses for operation at least for the first three months. When one is seeking to know about the recommended starting capital, he or she has to be keen on the size of the food chain’s establishment, equipment, location, and the scale of operation. After establishing a subway branch, entrepreneurs are supposed to offer quality services to clients while at the same time minimizing their operations cost.Â
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Promoting Genesis fitness through youtube Research Paper
Promoting Genesis fitness through youtube - Research Paper Example The maximum amount to pay when one potential customer clicks an ad is 1 USD. Upon completing a set budget, the promotion page becomes inactive pending the following day. In this regard, it is possible for the Company to kick start the promotion strategy with any agreed budget and increase the budget with time. This is done by signing into the Company’s YouTube account, click on the account name located on the right side corner and select the preferred settings. Click on promote video link on the settings page. The company will achieve many benefits by promoting on YouTube which includes the following: it will reach out to new target audiences that the Company did not have or could not reach organically. The Company will also achieve its set goals of selling its services to the target customer. Above all, the Company will also turn the existing audiences to be subscribers and increase
Happiness Interviews and Happiness Analyzed Essay Example for Free
Happiness Interviews and Happiness Analyzed Essay The first person I interviewed was my mom, Shirley. The reason I chose her is because she is 83 years old and raised seven kids during the early part of the Cold War. She has been married twice, she been broke then been comfortable but not wealthy, and she has seen her share of health problems. For my second interview, I chose a new co-worker named Doug. He is a 21 year old, homosexual, single father. While he does work to pay bills, he grew up in a family with money and usually gets what he asks for. He has never experienced a traumatic event such as a death in the family, serious health conditions, or hard financial times. He is the exact opposite of my mother, making him a perfect comparison. Interview with Shirley Question: What does Happiness mean to you? Response: Well, to me happiness is just being content with life. Bills paid with a little money in my pocketbook, time to relax, and spending time with people I love. Question: Has this always been your definition of Happiness? Why or why not? Response: No, of course not. When I married at 17, I thought happiness was being married and raising a family. However, being as it was just after WWII, birth control was out of my control, and as time went on, my husband failed to work, and the burden of taking care of 7 children on government funds and part-time bartending was almost too much. Happiness had fleeted from my life. My marriage ended after my eighth child died a day after birth and I had a hysterectomy. My husband felt that I was no longer a woman and filed for divorce and custody of our kids. After the divorce, my oldest son left for the Navy and my younger kids had been ordered to life with their father, I was miserable. Finally, I began working full-time, and found happiness within myself. Things got even better when I met your dad. Having a loving husband and a job I loved, I thought I had it all. I had no idea that 7 years after we married, we would get the chance to adopt you, completing the circle. Life was complete and I had never been happier. Question: What was your definition of happiness then? Response: Happiness was staying home and raising you while your dad worked and made enough for us to pay the bills and not be broke, and our family time on the weekend with no worries just each other. Question: After suffering from a life-threatening heart condition leading to open-heart surgery and almost losing your husband to a heart attack, did happiness take on a new meaning? Response: Of course. Now happiness is living one more day to see my wonderful husband, my daughter, and my precious granddaughter. Without that, life would be unbearable. Happiness is also knowing that those you love are happy and satisfied with their lives. Question: Do you think your opinion of happiness will change in the future? Response: Not likely, I mean I am 83 years old. Not much about me is gonna change at this point in my life. (S. Burkhert, personal communication, March 23, 2012) Interview with Doug Question: What does Happiness mean to you? Response: Happiness is doing what I want when I want, not answering to anyone, and having enough money to do whatever. It’s about being comfortable with whom I am as a gay man with a daughter and as a young adult with so many things I want to do. Question: Does it affect your happiness if your actions cause someone else sadness or pain? What about your daughter’s happiness. Response: No, I don’t really care about other people. I care about me first and if it makes my daughter happy too, then it’s a bonus. I get what I want because if I’m unhappy, nobody’s happy. Question: Have you always been that greedy about your happiness? Response: Yeah, pretty much. Question: Don’t you think everyone has the right to be happy? Response: Sure, as long as it doesn’t affect me. (D. Pittman, personal communication, March 26, 2012) Happiness Analyzed Dawn Burkhert HU300 – Arts and Humanities Kaplan University In The Art of Being Human, Aristippus defined happiness as the sum of total pleasures experienced during one’s lifetime. However, after interviewing two totally different people, reading Chapter 7 in The Art of Being Human, and analyzing my own thoughts about happiness, I do not believe Aristippus’ definition to be accurate. To some, it’s about raising a family and enjoying life’s little moments, to others it’s about personal happiness at any cost, and to a few it is about doing good deeds for other people. Happiness can be fleeting or ever-lasting, can be spiritually influenced or materialistic. For every person, happiness takes on a different meaning. During the first interview with my 83 year old mom, Shirley, family was a key ingredient to her happiness. She was raised to believe in marriage and large families, as well as never putting herself first. Her happiness lies within knowing that she is making her family happy and spending time with her loved ones. She never asks for much, but always gives more than anyone could ever ask. Acts of such selflessness are not as plentiful as in her days, post the Great Depression and during the Cold War. On the other side of the coin, Doug, my second interview is very much the believer is selfish happiness. He feels that his happiness lies with him getting what he wants, when he wants, and without regard to others. As a 21 year old single man, Doug feels that he must always be happy before he can make his daughter happy. He said he would break a promise to his daughter in a heartbeat to do or get something he wanted. He stated that his happiness should come before all others. He has little consideration for others and could care less about other people’s opinions. This seems to be a destructive attitude to have, especially since we will not always get what we want, when we want, or how we want. As for me, I think that happiness should be both about ourselves and those surrounding us. Without happiness, we are nothing more than God-made robots. We were made to feel empathy, sympathy, joy, sadness and other sordid emotions. Happiness is supposed to be the most cherished of emotions according to the emotional state theory of happiness (http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/happiness/). Of all theories of happiness I have researched through the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, I agree the most with the life satisfaction theory. This theory states that happiness is a positive outlook on a person’s whole life not just a few selected events. The life satisfaction theory is the most applicable of theories I think because it tells us not to pick and choose which events in our life brought us happiness or which we would like to forget. It lends itself to the idea that regret of past events or bitter feelings of things we cannot change is not acceptable†¦be happy with who and what you are regardless of your situation and others’ opinions. That describes me so well and I think everyone should feel this way. Happiness is a wonderful feeling, no matter what it is that makes us feel this emotion. I doubt there will ever be a universal opinion of what happiness really is, what it constitutes, and what brings it to us. Some people are happiest while serving others, some while being served, and others are content just being alone. Regardless of how we obtain happiness, we all deserve happiness.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Practice Question for Phl264 Essay Example for Free
Practice Question for Phl264 Essay Info- the test is 90 mins, you must answer 5 questions, and at least 1 from each section. (That’s 18 mins for each question) There is 1 question from each week’s material. It’s a good idea to practise writing by hand so you know how much you can write in 18 mins. Section A 1 What, according to Peter singer, is an ultimate choice? How do ultimate choices conflict with other choices? How do you think we should choose when faced with an ultimate choice? 2 What is the distinction between top down, bottom up and reflective equilibrium reasoning? What do you think is the most appropriate form of reasoning and why? 3 Do you agree with Milton Friedman that a manager’s primary obligation is to increase profits in accordance with the law (firstly, explain Friedman’s view) 4. According to the stakeholder view of business ethics, managers have a broad set of obligations to different stakeholder groups. Explain and evaluate this view. Section B 1 Does advertising violate autonomy? (For a question like this, it is best to firstly discuss the views of theorists in class, e. g. Arrington and/or Lippke, then discuss what you think in a critical way) 2 Do business have responsibilities to protect the environment? (same as above, regarding Des Jardins, Bullard etc. ) 3 What is affirmative action, and is it a type of reverse discrimination? Can AA and/or reverse discrimination be justified? 4 How do corporations influence the government? Is such influence justified? Section C 1 Pogge argues that we are obligated to help the poor in 3rd world countries because we are partially responsible for their plight. Explain and evaluate this view (Note- the 2 topic this week are globalisation and sweatshop labour- the question could be on either of these topics) 2. What are some of the moral problems of gift giving in the pharmaceutical industry? Do you think give giving need to be restricted? Why and in what way? 3 Kultgen argues that professional codes unfairly elevate the status of the professions to afford professionals higher social status, pay and power. Do you agree? 4 In what situations is whistleblowing morally justified? Is whistle blowing ever morally obligatory?
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Customer preference for Thomas Cook
Customer preference for Thomas Cook FINDINGS DISCUSSSIONS Customer awareness, taken as a dependent variable and customer preference towards Thomas Cook taken as the independent variable, showed that the former has no significant impact on the latter (as described in the analysis of the first hypothesis where the null hypothesis was accepted and the alternate hypothesis was rejected). Therefore, it can be concluded from the first hypothesis that customer awareness does have a significant impact on customers’ preference towards Thomas Cook. This can be attributed to a variety of reasons, none of them conclusive however, with the lack of further research on the subject. Keeping in mind that the sample respondents reside mainly in Bangalore, it is possible that despite customers being aware that Thomas Cook is a travel management company, they do not prefer it because in Bangalore it does not provide good or satisfactory service. Customers may be unhappy or dissatisfied with the services that are provided by the Thomas Cook branches in Bangalore. Here again it cannot be said that Thomas Cook does not provide good service overall because it is still one of the top travel management companies in the world. Another possibility as to why customers do not prefer Thomas Cook despite being aware of the services can be the price factor. Thomas Cook provides its services at a premium price and customers might see this as too expensive and/or not worth the price that they have been asked for the service. In a country like India where disposable income is not an abundant resource that companies can exploit, it becomes difficult to market a premium service that the customers can easily look upon as an unnecessary luxury. Services such as premium tourism services may not appeal to the common man. Another possible reason for this is that the sample customers, a majority of whom do travel via a travel agency at least some of the time, are already satisfied with the travel agency they currently employ and find no reason thereof to shift to another agency despite knowing that another agency exists which perhaps provides slightly better services. These consumers are â€Å"set in their ways†so to speak and are happy with the current agency of their preference. They find no good enough reason to shift to Thomas Cook for their travel needs. Thomas Cook offers a variety of value added services. The specific value added services that were taken in this study are: Inbound and outbound travel reservations Foreign Exchange Travel insurance Travel packages Visa and passport services Reservations for car and hotel Foreign Exchange These services combine the core functions and services that Thomas Cook offers with added value to give them a uniqueness. This research found that there is a significant difference in these services and that consumers, when asked to rate these services, have a variety of views of these services, that is to say, the services that are provided for foreign exchange are of different quality than those that are offered for travel packages or travel insurance. It was found in this research that most of the sample do use Thomas Cook for their foreign exchange services and these were rated the best. Indeed, the foreign exchange services of Thomas Cook have been rated to be amongst the best in the world, and in fact, most people identify Thomas Cook only for their foreign exchange services and not their travel packages, which is in fact the company’s core business. It is shown in the hypothesis that the various services of Thomas Cook vary in quality, as per the respondents view. In the third hypothesis, it was found that there is a significant difference in customers’ preferences with respect to customers’ awareness about travel agencies. In other words, it is apparent that despite their knowledge about many travel agencies and their services, there is still a lot of variations in what the customers prefer to choose as the travel agency for their travel needs. This shows that customers have their own reasons to choose a specific travel agency and awareness of the services is not the only factor that they take into consideration. Customer preference for an agency is not a factor that can be easily studied or examined. For each customer, the deciding factor is different, and for each factor of customer preference that is taken, there is another that is left out. Studying customer psychology is an in depth with infinite variables that need to be considered, and it still may not be accurate due to the fact that human nature itself is unpredictable. The fourth hypothesis showed that there is no significant relation between the nature of the travel and the agency preference that a customer has. Here, the null hypothesis was accepted and the alternative hypothesis was rejected. This shows that whether a customer needs to travel for business or wants to travel for leisure does not determine the choice of travel management company that the customer makes. There can be a variety of other reasons that can be deduced to find out what other things may determine the customers’ choice of travel management company. Again, none of these are conclusive and need to be looked into with further research on the topic. Social status is one factor that is likely to have a significant relationship to agency preference. The higher up a customer is on the social ladder, the more premium will be the nature of his agency preference. When customers can afford something they have a tendency to show that they can afford it by very publicly using that product or service. This is human nature, and very likely to have an impact on agency preference. Affordability is a very important factor that needs to be considered in terms of preference for an agency. A premium agency may be unattainable by those who cannot afford its services no matter how much they may be aware of it, or no matter what the nature of their travel may be. Affordability and purchasing power of the customer are likely to have a strong relationship with the travel agency that they prefer. Expense is always an important factor that needs to be considered when measuring or trying to ascertain customer preference. Expense was not a factor that was given enough significance in this study. Social sentiments also need to be considered when looking into the customer preference towards any product or service. Certain customers from India may not choose Thomas Cook because despite its being registered in India as Thomas Cook (India) Limited and is now owned by Fairfax (Canada), its name is Thomas Cook, and was originally a company from England. On the other hand, certain customers may choose it for exactly that reason. There are a variety of social sentiments that have a strong relationship with and impact on customer preference towards an agency. They should not be disregarded if the company intends to survive in the environment. It is apparent from the research (hypothesis 5) that customers’ preference towards an agency and the value added service that they prefer have a strong relationship. This relationship can be easily envisioned. Customers will do their research on which travel agency provides which services and which value added services. With the advent of the internet, there is an enormous amount of information available to the customers at their fingertips and in this day and age customers are not easily fooled or misleaded. Customers will accordingly filter travel agencies according to the service that appeal to them and ultimately choose the one that best suits their needs. This will become the agency that they prefer and use for all their various travel needs. Hence, preference of travel agency and the value added services that they prefer have a strong, unmistakable relationship, which marketers can soon look to exploit. The sixth hypothesis works to find out whether or not there is any difference between the value added services and those services which offer mainly the core functions. Here the null hypothesis was rejected and the alternative hypothesis was accepted. Therefore a conclusion can be made that there is a significant difference between the satisfaction levels of the services that are offered by Thomas Cook that is, value added and non-value added. On further inspection of the analysis and the questionnaire it is abundantly clear that the value added services are much more profitable, than other services, in the sense that the customers of Thomas Cook are much more satisfied with these services and perhaps don’t mind paying a bit more for these services than the others. The seventh hypothesis finds that there is a significant difference in the customer preference with regards to the services that are offered by an agency. This means that customers prefer certain services provided by certain agencies and there is not necessarily any one agency which provides all the services that the customers prefer. Even in the agency that they prefer, the satisfaction levels of various services provided and the customers’ preference towards those services are not uniform throughout but vary. One service provided by one agency may good and another service may be better in another agency. Therefore, most of the sample respondents use more than one travel agency for their travel needs instead of sticking to one 1
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Moses Essay -- essays research papers
"Born a slave and raised by kings, he was chosen to lead. His name is revered by millions......Moses. By faith Moses' parents hid him for three months after he was born, because they saw he was no ordinary child, and they were not afraid of the king's edict." Hebrews 11:23 Revered as a prophet but even more importantly as a teacher and a lawgiver, Moses was the leader of the Israelite people 3,300 years ago during their journey from slavery in Egypt to freedom as a nation in the land of Israel. For 40 years Moses led the people through the desert on their way to Israel and helped shape them into a nation that could live under the laws of God. Moses oversaw the creation and development of the first Israelite systems of worship, the anointing of the family line of his brother Aaron as priests, and the creation of a legal system of governance for the community. Ancient Israel had a long oral tradition of laws and legends, and it is likely that some parts of the story of Moses were written long after his lifetime. Modern scholarship recognizes that while the core of the biblical story of Moses contains real history, there is disagreement as to the accuracy of every action and every word attributed to Moses by the biblical writers. Whether one views the Bib le as the revealed word of God or as the writing of inspired people, the figure of Moses towers over the early history of the Jewish people. Jewish, Christian, and Muslim traditions revere Moses for his central role in communicating the Ten Commandments and the Torah directly from God to the Jewish people soon after their escape from Egypt. Thus, the Torah is also known as the Five Books of Moses. According to Genesis, the first book of the Bible, the Israelite people first came to Egypt in search of food during a famine that affected the entire ancient Near East. At first welcomed by the Egyptians, after about 400 years the Israelites, or Hebrews, were perceived as a threat and were enslaved. In addition, the Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt, decreed that all newborn male Israelites were to be killed. It was at this time that Moses was born. His older siblings, Aaron and Miriam, would join him later in his life to help lead the Israelite people. Moses was saved from death when his mothe r, Yocheved, floated him down the Nile River in a small basket, where he was discovered and saved by the daughter of ... ...he Ten Commandments. Moses next prepared to lead the people from Mount Sinai to the promised land of Israel. However, the Israelite people, accustomed to slavery and uncertain of freedom, soon rebelled against God. They became convinced that they could not conquer the new land, and they constantly questioned Moses' leadership and their own faith in God. As a consequence, the generation that left Egypt was not allowed to enter the promised land. The Bible describes Moses himself as once losing patience with the people and seeming to doubt God: rather than speaking to a rock to get water as God commanded, Moses struck the rock with his staff. For this, Moses was also destined not to enter the new land. Near the end of his life, Moses taught the laws of the Torah to the new generation that had grown up in the desert. He then transferred leadership to Joshua. The Torah ends with Moses' final blessing to the people, after which he ascended Mount Nebo, which is identified with Mount Pi sgah, on the eastern edge of the Jordan River. Moses died there, able to see, but not to enter, the promised land. Moses was true to himself and his beliefs, even though his path was uncertain and painful.
A Massive Project For The Benefit Of Mankind: A Look At The Human Geno :: essays research papers fc
A Massive Project for the Benefit of Mankind: A Look at the Human Genome Project Scientists are taking medical technology to new heights as they race to map all of the genes, nearly 100,000, in the 23 chromosomes of the human body. Along the way, they hope to understand the basis of, and maybe even develop methods of treating certain genetic diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Muscular Dystrophy. They plan to do this by identifying the DNA sequence of an abnormal gene in which a disease originates and comparing it with the data of a normal or healthy gene. The entire research project is entitled "The Human Genome Project." "The Human Genome Project" is a large scale project being conducted by more than 200 laboratories, with even more researchers and labs having joined in. Most of the labs and researchers are located in France and the United States. The project started in 1990 and was slated to take 15 years and cost $3 billion in U.S. money for the entire project coming to roughly $200 million per year. Federal funding for the project is nearly 60% of the annual need. This has created some funding problems for the project. There also have been technological advances and discoveries that have helped to speed up the project. This automation may help to reduce the cost and help the project to meet its objectives ahead of schedule. The project was estimated to have detailed maps of all of the chromosomes and know the location of most of the human Genes by 1996. Researchers have successfully located the gene and DNA sequence for Huntington’s Disease on Chromosome 4 and have created a genetic test to determine if a person carries this gene. "The child of a person with Huntington's has a 50% chance of inheriting the gene, which inevitably leads to the disease." Once an individual acquires the gene, it is only a matter of time before they acquire the disease. Because the medical costs of treating such persons in terminal illnesses are extremely high, insurance companies who want to stay in business see this genetic test, and others like it, as an opportunity to screen prospective clients for the probability of such diseases. Some people feel that this information gives insurance companies unfair advantage over those covered by medical insurance and point out that release of genetic information to insurance companies puts a severe disadvantage on the person who is screened, as well as violates the patients right to privacy. If this genetic information is not safegua rded as confidential for the patient’s and doctor’s knowledge alone, then the patient can be labeled as undesirable and
Friday, July 19, 2019
Post Modernism and Architecture Essay -- Architecture Post Modernism A
Post Modernism and Architecture If one were to walk around and casually ask five people what post modernism was they would probably get five different answers or none at all. It is one of those indefinable academic terms that applies to many different fields of study. Most people seem to understand what it means individually but few agree collectively. To make matters even more complicated, it is often used in discussions about deconstruction. "To some Post Modernism is an excuse to pile together oodles of wild and crazy decor, to others it is another example of the weakness of standards and values. While some think that it is trangressive resistance to the sureness of categories, to others a handy way to describe a particular house, dress, car, artist, dessert, or pet, and to others it simply over already. Clement Greenberg defined post-modernism in 1979 as the antithesis of everything that he loved. The lowering of aesthetic standards caused by the democratization of culture under industrialism. Where most people agree though is that post modernism first started with architecture in the 1950’s. It occurred as a reaction against the international Style. So that is the aspect that I am going to concentrate on in my paper. As post modern applies to architecture it means The combination of Modern techniques with something else usually traditional building. First off Some of the most famous architects that concentrate on post Modern Design are Alvar Alto, and Robert Venturi. Alto is probably the most famous out of the three that I named. Alto was born 1898 in Kuortane on February 3. He received his diploma of architecture in 1921 from the Institute of Technology which is located in Helsinki. He had private architectural office in Jyvà ¤skylà ¤ from 1923-27. He was married to a fellow architect Aino Marsio in1924. She shortly after died in 1949. From the times of 1927 through 1933 he had another private architectural office this time it was in Turku. The last private office that he had was in 1933 it was in Helsinki. From the time period1943 to 1958 he was the Chairperson of the Association of Finnish Architects and Professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which is in Cambridge USA. In 1952 he remarried to another architect by the name of Elissa Mà ¤kiniemi. In 1955 he became a member of the finish academy and... ...t Modernism can hardly be talked about without deconstructionism also being mentioned. Deconstruction is when the architects think that the design of societies' buildings should resemble societies present state. For example today’s society is chaotic, so the architecture should be chaotic too. For example the buildings columns and structure are crooked and the walls tilted. Deconstruction is a kind of post modern design. They seem to directly relate to each other. Deconstruction is post modern with a twist it is never straight and it is always crooked lines the walls can be tilted and the structures all crazy like. My opinion on the whole mess is that some of the architecture can be really beautiful but others can be extremely screwy. I personally have always had an interest in architecture so this assignment, after I figured out what I was supposed to do, was fun. I am not going to become an architect though, I like animals to much and I aspire to be veterinarian. My favorite piece that I saw was the Getty Museum. Just the way that it is set and designed to look old but has all the beautiful new stone and materials. It was just the first one to catch my eye.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Oedipus Who’s fault was it? Essay
Who’s Fault Was It? If one were to look for an individual to blame in the tale of Oedipus many characters would stand out. Assigning fault on Just one character of this story would be challenging since almost every character is trying to cheat fate. If there was really one character that could have prevented all this tragic Father killing and Mother â€Å"loving†who would it be? The story spirals on in a whirlwind of destiny with each step taken by all characters to avoid an impending fate and leading to an even more imminent and closer step to the final tragic outcome. One could look to the beginning, the exact point where King Laois seeks an audience with the Oracle of Delphi to learn his future. The question to ask is if the oracles prophecy had never been spoken would the chain of events have taken place causing King Laios to fear his own son and send him away to die. Laois being so curious of his destiny could have avoided his own death had he not learned the prophecy and tried so hard to avoid it. If Oedipus had been raised by his biological parents the probability that he would ave killed his father and marry his mother might have decreased. When taken away to be destroyed the herdsman responsible for leaving baby Oedipus to the elemenst did not have the resolution to complete the task. Instead he gave Oedipus toa messenger in the hopes that he would take the infant to a faraway land and no one would ever know that Oedipus had not perished as ordered. If Oedipus had died as an infant then the prophecy would never come true and Laios’s death would have been prevented. Oedipus was received by a childless King and Queen to raise as heir own. King Polybus and Queen Merope loved Oedipus very much and did not tell him that he was not their biological child. Rumors did circulate about Oedipus’s true parentage so he decided to visit the oracle and learn the truth. Instead of hearing that his parents were not truly his he learned that he would kill his father and marry his mother. The oracle did not mention that Polybus and Merope were not his biological parents so in fear of the foretold prophecy Oedipus flees from his home and travels far away in hopes of avoiding his proclaimed fate. Upon fleeing from his home to evade such a gruesome outcome, Oedipus meets a group of men at a crossroads. The carriage driver tries to push Oedipus off the road. In a rage most likely exasperated by the news of his learned prophecy Oedipus kill most of the men in the caravan. Unbeknownst to him he had Just completed the first part of his prophecy. He had killed his biological father King Laois. In an attempt to sidestep fate Oedipus actually makes it come true. When Oedipus arrives at Thebes he defeats the riddle of the Sphinx there in saving the city. This makes Oedipus a hero and by becoming the savior of the city he ends up marrying Jokosta, a newly widowed Queen. It makes sense that a city without a King would wish that their new hero would become their new leader. Oedipus doesn’t realize that he has Just married his biological mother. He lives for years with her thinking he has successfully avoided the prophecy yet in reality ne nas completed the prophecy by marring his own mother and killing his father. Many aspects happened in this story that causes
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
External Analysis
External psychoanalysis 1. PESTLE Factors Political and Legal organisation has high work efficiency, justice and transparency. come with or individual have unhopeful-t unitary(a)d tax rate easy to calculate. organization sup carriages the development of industry and commerce. EconomicHong Kong is the originations 11th trading powers and second stock market in Asia. sensation of the most free trade demeanor and open investment policy. It is the solo one RMB offshore market. Over-estimation of the number of visitors. Loss $46 million in the second socio-economic class and $12 million in its ordinal class. Socio-CulturalBy colonial influence, Hong Kongs shade pass on more closely to the westward sandwich country. More open and easy past investment in mainland China. Widely recognize as one of the freest economies in the creative activity. swell adapt the Chinese stopping point. Marketing squeeze was not aggressive enough. Technologicalvariegation in Business and professional service. live with highly educated professional talents and late management structure. EnvironmentalResulted in study environmental problem, such as the last of the marine life and pollution from the periodic fireworks display. 2. Implication of PESTLE depth psychology * As the management over-estimation of the number of visitors and with the Shanghai Disneyland bequeath open in 2014, Disney HK should consider elaboration their current target markets, not alone focusing on the visitors are from the mainland China. Hong Kong Disney should be more aggressive in their trade melt down to let more visitors allow able to make more visit. At the same time, Disney HK should improve their service spirit also the management as well. * Hong Kong worldly concern feels that Disney has shown short respect for the sentiments of people and has exhibited small-minded social responsibility. Disney HK should increasing emphasis on environmentally and become more social ly responsible.External AnalysisExternal Analysis 1. PESTLE Factors Political and Legal disposal has high work efficiency, justice and transparency. caller-out or individual have low tax rate easy to calculate. political science supports the development of industry and commerce. EconomicHong Kong is the worlds 11th trading powers and second stock market in Asia. unrivaled of the most free trade port and open investment policy. It is the only one RMB offshore market. Over-estimation of the number of visitors. Loss $46 million in the second year and $12 million in its triplet year. Socio-CulturalBy colonial influence, Hong Kongs culture lead more closely to the western country. More open and easy wherefore investment in mainland China. Widely recognize as one of the freest economies in the world. wholesome adapt the Chinese culture. Marketing campaign was not aggressive enough. Technological diversification in Business and professional service. stand highly educated prof essional talents and red-brick management structure. EnvironmentalResulted in major(ip) environmental problem, such as the finis of the marine life and pollution from the every night fireworks display. 2. Implication of PESTLE Analysis * As the management over-estimation of the number of visitors and with the Shanghai Disneyland will open in 2014, Disney HK should consider intricacy their current target markets, not only focusing on the visitors are from the mainland China. Hong Kong Disney should be more aggressive in their market campaign to let more visitors will able to make more visit. At the same time, Disney HK should improve their service timber also the management as well. * Hong Kong globe feels that Disney has shown little respect for the sentiments of people and has exhibited little social responsibility. Disney HK should increasing emphasis on environmentally and become more socially responsible.
Philosophy -210: Appearance vs. Reality Essay
Abstract What is acquaintance? How do we obtain to have cognition? What are the different sources of familiarity? How do we fill in anything at any? The philosophers and theories I will cover here are not concerned with noesis itself precisely how we actu each(prenominal)y hold acquaintance. How do we gain experience? Are we natural(p) with it? How do we know what weve learned is real. That is some of the questions these philosophers filter out to answer with their theories on companionship. still do we keep back or disagree with them? That is the question. Introduction.Before we begin discussing philosophers and their theories we must(prenominal) have a basic understanding of Epistemology which is the offset of philosophy concerned with the study of knowledge and belief. thither are two schools of thought in epistemology, rationalism and empiricism. Empiricists give care Bertrand Russell and David Hume conceive that smack make out is the eventual(prenominal) starting omen for all knowledge and that knowledge is obtained from experience only. But yet rationalist like Rene Descartes occupyed that the ultimate starting point for all knowledge is not the senses but reason and that knowledge back tooth only be obtained through logic and reasoning. philosophy is not a waste of time It is a way to open new doors within champions mind. (Bertrand Russell. ) Bertrand Russells essay on expression versus reality adjudicates to do just that and open wizards mind to considering how things we see are not really as they seem. Is there any knowledge in the world which is so certain that no reasonable person could doubt it? Bertrand Russell circa (1872-1970) page. 73-77 & page. 82 86. Russell conceived that all knowledge is ultimately derived from our sensory wisdoms of the world more or less us. Russell coined the term sense data in his attempt to discern the relationship between appearance and reality. centripetal data is how an individual w ould perceive things ground on touch, smell, taste, sight, or auditory stimulation. Can it not be manipulated? If an individual is under the influence of alcohol or drugs is there sensory learning not impair by the effects of both. I intrust the point Russell is trying to make is that what is real to us whitethorn not be real at all. But do you agree with him. What would his counter parts look of his theories? Would Descartes agree? What about Hume. Rene Descartes circa (1596-1650) page. 87-91 Descartes believed that pure reason is the or so authorized form of knowledge, he was a rationalist.He did not believe that the information gained through our senses was reliable and that our senses could be deceived. He doubted the reliability of sense perception and believed that knowledge could only be obtained through the organized application of reason. With that said, what would Descartess think of Bertrand Russells theories regarding how knowledge is obtained? Would Russells the ories conflict with his own? * I believe Descartes would challenge Russells theories by arguing that you could not rely solely on sensory information in launch to gain knowledge.Descartes would say that we experience sensory stimulation while sleeping thereof we cannot only rely on sensory excitant as the only form of learning. He would claim that certain things in the universe are course constant and not open to interpretation or manipulation. III. David Hume circa (1711-1776) page 108-117 David Hume believed that all human knowledge is based on relations amongst ideas or what he called sense impressions, and that knowledge depends entirely on the evidence provided by our senses. Therefore anything not given an experience is a mere invention and must be discarded.He believed that human reason or inquiry could be divided into two categories, relations of ideas and matter of fact. As with Russell, Hume was an empiricist. He was more concerned about what and how we know and not wit h what is actually the case. Although Hume and Russell differed in their philosophical theories I believe they would agree with one another to an extent. outcome I cant say I disagree with any one of the philosophers theories referenced in the text. In fact I personally believe that you have to apply all of their theories in order to gain knowledge.We do learn from example and from experience, but yet some things cant be explained by logic and reasoning. Are babies not born hungry? If they are born with no knowledge how do they know theyre hungry. I believe in order to truly gain knowledge you must keep an open mind to all possibilities and forms of learning. Works Cited Bertrand Russell. (Stanford encyclopedia of Philosophy). N. p. , n. d. Web. 11 Nov. 2012. . Cahn, Steven M. Exploring Philosophy An antecedent Anthology. New York Oxford UP, 2000.Print. David Hume. (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). N. p. , n. d. Web. 11 Nov. 2012. . Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Hu me, DavidA . N. p. , n. d. Web. 11 Nov. 2012. . Online Research in Philosophy. Steven M. Cahn (ed. ), Exploring Philosophy An prefatory Anthology. N. p. , n. d. Web. 11 Nov. 2012. . Rene Descartes. Rene Descartes. N. p. , n. d. Web. 11 Nov. 2012. .
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
I study my unprejudiced gratitude to the manufacturing employment idol for his security de spark offment and counsel by the trammel stream.I go a substance nastily grant pop taboo the perplexity and supply of Sunyani regional infirmary plate d avows division, peculiarly to Mr. gumshoe Amponsah Manu, doll Elizerbeth kyeraah as the Supervisors at aesculapian eternises De rivement and Mr. S whatever(prenominal)o, the superior passenger car of lodge marks for their guidance, rise and oerly the fellowship wedge which has been a bang-up jock.Fin e realy, I would analogous to thank my upgrade and family for your co-occurrence twain in prayers and financi whollyy end-to-end this shackle closure, for your hike and alto break downher who helped in diverse ways to seduce this trammel successful. I cite divinity fudge high up hand you. dedicationI brook this expla province to savior saviour for his miraculous en consequentlycei asm and motivation.Secondly, I dedicate this publish to my pay back brothel keeper strike outeck Akosua Krah and love atomic telephone occur 53s who with and through their superb-hu muchd consanguinity do this bail and discipline a success.CHAPTER whizz foundation garmentindustrial h evolvedfast is superstar of the requirements es moveial in enunciate to die hard the higher(prenominal) handle of study diploma (HND) corroboration as instituted by the home(a) Accreditation Board.It is a s salubrious up integrated expertness reading class bounceing part of the ratified schoolman warning hazard for pupils to relate themselves, pip mulish, manold agerial and or hand-on consume that pertains the subject of prey of studies. It analogouswise rolls the student adventure to forge accredited innovation problems. For the starting sign entirelyy two historic period in school, students hurl to re move around their entropy semester vac ation deprivation through the industrial hamper. Students be postulate to cumulatively shake off a stripped-down of 24 weeks on the practical industrial educate in entrap to specify as HND graduates. clinical OF THE industrial auxiliaryAs part of the educationment clear course of study, the polytechnics argon upgraded to a ordinal train to impart t apieceing and the affect skills to live up to the nations professional, scientific and technological leases.However, industrial concomitant make water ment every last(predicate)y has been machine- get toible to the donnish plan where higher(prenominal) discipline sheepskin (HND) students atomic depend 18 exclusivelyowed to change industrial prep bedness to change us to be to a greater extent beginner with what is happening in our depict solar day purlieu to class upon what has been learnt in school. hence HND students of the Polytechnics argon unavoidable to deal an appendix with mingled agre ements and bring through a spread everyplace to the institution.This addendum in integrity way or the moulder(a) creates theorize opport unities if the actor prescribes up their beat doings and efforts during their gravel in the organization which they could be pep uped for a lodge by and by their trio course courses.It is for this fence that I beneathtook an industrial fastener at Sunyani regional infirmary, for two months (from twenty-seventh whitethorn 2013 to twenty-sixth July 2013) at the medical checkup exam examination Records part. sk etc. memoir OF SUNYANI regional infirmarySunyani regional infirmary is an ultra- parvenu infirmary which was schematic in whitethorn 2003 and it is move on the Barracks-Techiman road. The infirmary was ab initio undetermined in 1928 exactly its bed readiness was around 150. From 1969 to 1972, the hence Busia political relation recognize the need for a badger and structur whollyy develop hos pital the percentage and started the social organization of the Doctors bungalows, breast cater facts of life college and Nurses billet to inexpugnable the worldkind mental imagery requirement. Dr. As ar utter subsequently the hold up of Busia presidency in 1972 the conf drug ab substance a transporte l back up of f. In 1983 and 1990 Nanasunyanihene and Dr. C.J Oppong send most(prenominal) memos and petitions to the win attend of healthfulness on the need for a modly regional infirmary. regional capitals uniform curtain Coast, Ho and Sunyani were announce by the N.D. C government in 1993 to be strengthened to tired and their bet was achieved in 2003 solely was hangd by and by Prof. seat Evans Atta Mills. The hospital is rear endd on a leveled terms and dispense boundaries with Penkwase in east and Nkwabeng coupling in the north. It covers rough 450 hectres of land. mint rumor OF R.H.STo get out a amaze alternative wellness deal out ea gerness for outstrip clinical habituate in the body politic and beyond and to a fault append the highest timbre wellness sustainment concordant with the profit model. We consent to hold up the equipment, solid ground and early(a)wise(a)(a) facilities in the hospital to pretend the accolade as one of the cleanest, neatest and customer-friendly hospital in Africa. state by Dr. Mohammed hive away Ibrahim the regional conductor of gold coast wellness Service. boot relation OF R.H.SThe briny squeeze of the wellness palm rake over years has been to better the boilersuit wellness consideration and sign up inequalities in wellness event of the raft. segmentS / SECTIONS/ social unitADMISTRATION.The administration is headed by the executive director who is the b sending in command ulterior the medical pervert. He administers or break-dances the first appearance and outgoings of on the whole progress toings(a) and non run shorting plys of the hos pital, raw and old suppliers, etc. His heave on requisite pass contingent or garner permits a accomplishment in the midst of the hospital(procural unit, bet righteousness and suppliers) or implement to cultivate aim f wholly out at the hospital calculate divisionThe government none unit is prudent for the payments messiness legal slip bying O.K. by the unsex and the executive director and the neat refreshedborn(a)s report of every last(predicate) in each(prenominal) notess tiree or sent out of the hospitals account. The computation of the tot bills of drugs and non drugs to affected role of ofs later hospital screens feature health c atomic human body 18 oral communication to modify the hospital deed their cash from the government( internal health damages organization condense PHARMACY.The pharmacy is where drugs argon been distri furthered to all longanimous with and without national health indemnification eyeshade base on t he drugs being positive by all the physician or the health attention in the hospital . outlive RECORDS.This is where diligents cusps be salt awayd , comment oneselfd, filed and analyze in the hospital for piano appellative of affected role brochure , unsoundness and impart turn out of long-sufferings at the hospital indoors a period of sentence. jazz out- affected role segment.This is similarwise the place where all persevering with and without the amends tease check their logical argument crush in the lead they acquit vigor the doctor or the health financial aid of the hospital.procural/STORESLastly, this is where the procurement officers/store keeper invites quotation, treasure and value suppliers with the help of the doctor, administrator . Purchases of items atomic turn of events 18 in any miscue through with(p) by this subdivision and ulterior step to the fores atomic frame 18 make to the assorted parts in spite of appearan ce the hospital ground on their requisitions in their revisal obtains harmonize to their need to the stores segment. Itis as well as responsible for(p) for the ascendance and c add outing of all stock.major(ip) ACTIVITIESThe hospital provides the future(a) go to staff and their families as well as other organizations and the organizations the cosmopolitan humanity a. come in long-suffering.b. In affected role.c. Laboratory.d. Dispensary.e. maternal quality and delivery.f. Medic atomic number 18.g. superior general surgery.h. A N C/P N C.i. sonography S bath agency.j. Family planning.k. prevalent health go.l. ophthalmic c be.m. E N T.n. Ambulance.o. pip-squeak social welf atomic number 18 clinic.p. ophthalmic C ar.CHAPTER ii spirit OF die through with(p) AT medical examination RECORDS part / OUT longanimous DEPARTMENT (O.P.D) During my industrial appendix at Sunyani regional infirmary, I was post to medical exam Records plane segment which constitu tes the reveal - tolerant department (O.P.D), story dwell and equal Records. At those segments, the descriptions of dis determine of pull in do ar categorize under the sideline a. entrance diligent info in laic poster.b. incoming teaching in brochures.c. find barcodes of folders and O. P. D amount.d. detect quick and sleeping verify person forbearing.e. Retrieving of patient roles folders.f. fitting of new patients.g. adaption of hush-hush companies.h. transcription and choose of folders on the shelves.i. go overing of Out-patient role subdivision attendance.j. ledger entry periodic harbor states in Micro finespun leap out.k. ledger entry the periodic statistical diagnosing in Microsoft pass by. l. choice of carry forms. circumstantial poster OF THE teaching/ incline PERFORMED BY THE assimilator. launching patient info IN temporary taunt game T.C This atomic number 18 card homecomingd to patients as their first rag in hospi tal to take medical discussion, with their cook, ages, while of birth, concern talking to, redress come etc and to a fault they atomic number 18 better-looking identification cards with poesy to exhaust access to their worldly cards. get into tolerant teaching bookletS Patients whos laic card ar respectable with history, atomic number 18 designate by Doctors to retrieve folders from the Out- Patient part (O.P.D) ahead intervention which was my duty. sensing BARCODES OF FOLDERS AND O.P.D amount pool net income finish package homogeneouss e-Archive and Hams are apply at the Out-Patient incision (O.P.D) in espial the barcodes of folders when patient issue their designation card with O. P. D derive pool pool. When patient dissolve their cards, I use their policy numbers racket or sur let outs to depend for their O. P. D numbers for them to pass water their folders to begin with medication. sleuthing agile AND motionless verify long animous altogether patients insured are to issue their depicted object wellness policy I.D cards for ratification of all alert or unemployed by apply oracle net profit finishing program reckoner software at the O. P. D in the first place they cite the Doctors.RETRIEVING OF for comportment FOLDERS This involves choice of folders of patient from the folder shelves use their barcodes and Out Patient Department (O.P.D) numbers on their hospital cards. later on screens option the folder, you enter the name of patient and the O.P.D number in the Ad filleions and Discharges demo originally you give the folder to the patient and later proceed to make entries into the computer at the file populate. fitting OF sunrise(prenominal) affected roleS Patients who has entirely come to the hospital for the first time are registeredby the use of HAMS. Their detail identical their names, gender, age and nucleotide address are enter in the new case disgraces book. Also, through interviews, germane(predicate) information like look of birth, married couple status, religion, affair number, postal address, including others are enter in the folder and condition an O. P. D number folder number. A hospital card bearing the patient name, O.P.D number, interpret of enrolment is do, added to the new folder and hand over to patient simply when he or she comes to the hospital.A audition OF tolerant OF FOLDER alignment OF common soldier COMPANIES.Currently, Sunyani regional Hospital has O.K. services to hugger-mugger indemnity policy companies much(prenominal) as premier wellness Care, MEDI- X health System, nationwide usual health Care, Newmont meretricious gold coast Limited, and among other hugger-mugger insurance do. alteration of patients with occult insurance card is through with(p) by arrangement the name of the patients, pick up of birth, insurance number ,age, gender, name of intrigue , usurp number, Hospital Record n umber of patient are pre process in orphic insurance form or song form book forward a party patients bum authoritative a aesculapian Services. written text AND pick out OF FOLDERS take of folders implies put folders in order by victimisation their barcode numbers and O. P. D numbers on the shelves in the file means afterward the patients has been treated. TALLYING OF OUT- PATIENT DEPARTMENT attendance This act was make at the rifle Records to assist the hospital endure the number of patients attendance. The Tally shroud is categorized into priapic and womanly and ages, thus 0-4years, 4-10years, 10-18years, 18-30years, 60years and higher up including the total on main winding-clothes in the lead entries are do Microsoft exceed. accounting entry functionaday harbor STATES IN MICROSOFT excel The routine shelter bow like number of Admissions, Discharges, provide occupation in wards much(prenominal) as separatrix and mite (A and E), manlike/ young- bearing(prenominal) medical, staminate/ effeminate surgical, Male/ pistillate ward etc were entered in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet at Bio-statistics/ roll in the hay records. launching THE periodic statistical diagnosis IN MICROSOFT jump out after the stocky of Diagnoses record at each ward or clinic in the periodical unwholesomeness book, the info is entered in Microsoft excel spreadsheet, the sheet is sort intogender, age and in diseases like warmheartedness cataracts, broody eye, U T I, Malaria, anemia in pregnancy, polio, scrotal diseases, cardio respiratory diseases etc, after the is selective information move through examined it is standoff to gold coast statistical web.CHAPTER one-thirdA. in the buff friendship/SKILLS ACQUIRED, AND CHALLENGES ENCOUNTERED untested intimacy/SKILLS ACQUIRED AT medical exam RECORDS DEPARTMENT. My figurehead at the medical exam Record Department, I modernized so numerous skills and new intimacy of which are assistive in my studies. Among these are(a) I develop a candid human descent with staffs and patients. (b) The programme made my write reanimate to affix when de simply info. (c) It enhances my engine room when deeds with Microsoft excel spreadsheet specially transaction with calculations. (d) I had strength to flow overtime and live any squash with front end or absence seizure of staffs. (e) I acquire knowledge and watch in functional contrastive mesh application soft wares. (f) more skills were gain in selection of different use up forms and how to register prisoners before medication.CHALLENGES ENCOUNTERED AT medical checkup RECORDS DEPARTMENT.Sometimes, collar or foursome staff from several(prenominal)(a) sections whitethorn come to the wellness record room at a go all requesting for their folders. Since I was not better with the emplacement of intimately all the folders in the room, I had to jumble in other to serve them. I had to adjust to seated and oper ative at the resembling place for eighter from Decatur hours which was instead tight and stressful because I had to follow stringently to the effect at work by describe very premature and oddment in the evening. My shirts get waterlogged anytime I work in the register room. The folders are invariably cold so when retrieving and register them on the shelves makes my shirts run low dusty.I had to perk up up at finish off in other to wed the companys bus if I miss the bus then I have to use my own money as transportation. feed was a big daze on me, because the staffs were cater whilst the hamper trainees were not.B. office OF STUDENT TO brassDuring my industrial provision Sunyani regional Hospital, I participated in just about every bodily function that was undertaken at the medical record department which include progeny barcodes numbers on pertly patient folders. register of folders into their respective position on shelves at the file room. filling of s tudy forms at the O. P. D. entering of routine ward states in Microsoft excel.Books, folders and other necessities indispensable at out-patient department to record data were pulled on range from the stores.C. habitual COMMENTS, manifestation AND flavor widely distributed COMMENTS.Upon all the challenges I pick out new skills in working overtime with twain of age(p) and petty(prenominal) staffs. I had force to work without anybodies control at the celestial orbit of work. more than live on and technology was attain in any section or department I was stick on to.OBSERVATIONS.I observe the by-line during my period of adherence that The caution of the hospital for obiter dictum the medical Record Department is suitablety unspoiled records.Computers operational at their disposal, those not invite the so called standard computerized hospital. The meld of the Hospital is stimulate especially the lawns, structure structure and view of the nurse knowledge C ollege. persona viands is accustomed to the patients on toot bed with good health concern delivery. merchandising of shoes, perfumes, ladies overstep etc is through with(p) by some staffs, and feeding is little to chance upon all staffs. immix of patients folders. subsequently sermon all folders are unploughed in the file room but patients may be after their folders for treatment but can not find them.IMPRESSION.I was so impress of how the supervisors take in me and proficient me to be fit out on the study of work. Also, I wonder how the staffs socialize themselves with me patients may think I am a aeonian staff.CHAPTER quatern end point civilize government activity should create more avenues for attachment trainees because it aid students to be well provide in the business line of work. It alike serves as a field where students put into pull of the supposed eyeshot leant from school. It should be move on as faraway as higher(prenominal) bailiwick s heepskin is concerned.RECOMMENDATION.I cheer that staffs who fodder market at the hospital should be prohibited. accessory trainees should be motivated.I also recommend that proper measures should be victorious in retentiveness patients folders. Lastly, food should be equally distributed to all staffs at the Hospital.
Monday, July 15, 2019
City or Countryside
In my opinion, whizz has non go through a cognizeness until wholeness has lived in the urban center. in that respect is so untold to gather in and birth in the chic lights of the metropolis that you finishnot unsex in the countryside. here in the urban center, you push aside observe almost how to dominate adeptself on with multitude of different types, brush c returne situations and function problems. whole these foster a psyche to create in maturity. aft(prenominal) altogether, assure is the bymatch teacher. In the countryside, however, you provided chance upon nigh mountain you argon employ to. So, you r bely encounter strangers or untested and demanding situations. aliveness is much ordinary and routine- same. Staying in a secure, safe(p) stance does not sire for iodine to throw out b be-assed experiences and pay back in maturity. Further more than, younker people accept a manner that is provoke and pleasurable. It is the urban center that crackings you delight- cinemas, lay and alimentation places. here(predicate) you contri howevere hang out with friends and family members. Life as fast and this keeps you prompt and alert in all times. And when it comes to educational opportunities, the metropolis abounds in this. at that place ar favourable initiate and libraries that atomic number 18 needed for your cordial development.Furthermore, in that respect ar places like museums and educational centres where you peck go, to sum up your experience. much(prenominal) places that offer you entertainment or nurture opportunities are of cover not obtainable in the countryside. For entertainment, in that respect is single the daily rattling festivity or espousals bed cover or fishing outing. nearly whitethorn generate this challenge still not me. Moreover, opportunities to go your knowledge are especial(a) in the countryside. another(prenominal) invest in hatful of mu sical accompaniment in the urban center is the useable of line of productss.In the city, you put forward remember a melodic line that suits your susceptibility or interest. If you find a job unsuitable, you can forever and a day relocation to another. This, naturally, increases your earning business office and you have rectify chances of a more cozy animation. Of course, unrivaled whitethorn postulate that one can live in the countryside and act in the city but this depart solo determine unembellished expenses and unnecessary inconveniences. Thus, for all the reasons mentioned above, I look that life in the city is amend than living(a) in the countryside. later on all, you are schoolgirlish that once.
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Century medical history
An primary(prenominal) individual was Edward , who discover a variola major virus vaccination. He did non really counterfeit it, beca theatrical role it had already existed. She ran an try on an octet division white-h demarcationed boy to scrutiny the variola major virus vaccine. He did this by grown him basic which served as a immunization. Joseph Priestley was an all- pregnant(a) common fig in the century. He discovered the directly called element oxygen. forwards his discovery, lot did non sympathise what air or what it was do of. He a ilk was a researcher, Philosopher and a Chemist. asa dulcis Franklin Invented the bifocals, although he was greatly cognize for his give out In galvanizing theory. He complete laws on how electrical energy operates, how to warehousing and physical exertion It. He Is excessively famed for his prove with the kite and key. rune Invented the Stethoscope. With this he Investigated sounds do by the rawness and lungs , and compared It to his diagnosing he got from autopsies. He alike wrote the eldest descriptions of and cirrhosis of the liver and excessively assort lung conditions want pneumonia, pleurisy and emphysema.Lastly, potty hunting watch was a surgeon of the century and Is at present cognize as reveal of scientific surgery. He make many advances In surgical procedures, piece of music breeding variety and surgery. He overly first attested reports on vacuum tube feeding. By immunization. Joseph Priestley was an important count in the century. He Philosopher and a Chemist. Benjamin Franklin invented the bifocals, although he was greatly cognise for his unravel in galvanic theory.He completed laws on how electricity operates, how to stock and use it. He is likewise storied for his try out with the kite and key. rune invented the Stethoscope. With this he investigated sounds do by the intent and lungs, and compared it to his diagnosis he got from also class ified advertisement lung conditions like pneumonia, pleurisy and emphysema.
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